The wrong identification of one thing with another is the work of the contaminated mind.” “Mind is, in reality, only consciousness, because it is pure and transparent by nature: in that pure state, however, it cannot be called mind. It cannot be eaten’ discriminating notions like these constitute the discriminative intellect.” “To think whether a certain thing may be eaten is a thought- form of the mind. “According to the Hindu scriptures an entity known as the ‘mind’, is derived from the subtle essence of the food consumed which flourishes as love, hatred, lust, anger, and so on which is the totality of mentality, intellect, desire, and ego…” The mind’s states and locations vary from a discriminating awareness to pure consciousness…. The nature of the mind is a complicated and ephemeral concept. Sages and scriptures proclaim this to be Liberation.”

If one catches hold of it and remains still, it will completely annihilate the sense of ‘I’ in the body, and will itself disappear as a fire of burning camphor. “Underlying the unceasing flow of varied thoughts, there arises the continuous, unbroken awareness, silent and spontaneous, as ‘I-I’ in the Heart. This section describes the path of enquiry into the Self, or ‘Who Am I?’ Ramana focuses on the silent and spontaneous “I” found in the Heart… Our previous post from Ramana Maharshi’s Words of Grace, provided an overview of the central enquiry… Who Am I? The second essay, Self-Enquiry, delves into understanding the importance of investigating the self and divides enquiry into several sections including, Who am I? The Mind, The World, The Ego, The Supreme Being, God, Liberation and the eight-fold paths. Read Who am I? the first essay in Words of Grace. Look at his Stillness Speaks teachers page for much more about his teachings. Ramana Maharshi is a leading 20th Century Indian non-duality teacher.
Read this overview of Self-Enquiry by Ramana Maharshi, the second of three essays contained in the ebook, Words of Grace available as a free PDF download. “…meditate incessantly upon the Self and obtain the Supreme Bliss of Liberation.” ~ Ramana Maharshi